dimanche 12 mars 2017

Principles of good writing

To be read, understood and accepted, your report should have clear and consistent writing. Here are some of the basic principles to follow.

Use clear language

Use the sort of words you would use in conversation, rather than trying to impress with long or unfamiliar words. Use plain English and avoid jargon. Use a level of speech and language that is accessible to your readers. This includes the use of gender-neutral language. Avoid overuse of clichés, similes and worn out phrases that have lost their meaning and might only serve to irritate the reader.

Be concise

Avoid lengthy, drawn-out discussion. Make your points thoroughly, but aim to be concise and focused. Bullets and dot points can help to emphasise and simplify information.

Be objective

Present the information objectively. Your conclusions should arise logically from the information presented, and be based on the facts and evidence you have collected, rather than your own opinion or what you would like to happen.

Present the information in the most suitable way

A graph, diagram or illustration can sometimes be the best way to present information; for example, staffing trends or sales figures over a number of years might be compared more easily if presented in a table or graph.

Revise and rewrite

Read through your report. Think about how you can improve what you have written.
  • Have you made your points clearly?
  • Have you used a variety of short and long sentences to help make your writing more readable?
  • Have you checked the spelling, grammar and punctuation?

Be specific about what you want the reader to do

Be clear about the status of the report and what you expect from the reader. Is it a final report with recommendations for consideration and decision? Is it a draft for comment?

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